Wednesday 16 April 2014

What I Ate Wednesday (14.4.14)

I just wanted something quick and easy for breakfast so I had porridge with a banana and as a treat I added golden syrup to sweeten it. Then as usual I had a cup of tea as I need the caffeine in the morning to keep me awake as I had lot of revision to get done today. Also I just had a glass of water as I've been suffering from a lot of headaches recently and it think it could be down to dehydration, so I'm now making sure I drink 8 glasses of water a day.

I decided to eat my lunch outside today as the weather was so nice and sunny. I had a cheese topped roll which I heated up so it was nice and warm and then inside I just had Primula original cheese spread. On the side I had some carrot sticks and cucumber with houmous and this bean and white cheese salad. I also had another glass of water.

For a snack I really fancied some fruit so I had some pineapple and grapes with a smoothie. The smoothie I had was the Innocent pomegranate, blueberries and acai one, and this one is one of my favourites. It also contains red and white grapes, bananas, orange, and lemon juice and 1 glass is 2 of your 5 a day. I also had a glass of water.

 I had Korma curry made with pork and served with rice. On the side I had peas and Mattar paneer which is basically peas in a tomato based sauce with farmer cheese and its absolutely delicious. I also had another glass of water.

Dessert/ Evening Snack 
Not very exciting but a bit of a chocolate fix and as a treat I had a KitKat and 3 Jaffacakes both of which were delicious. Also I had another glass of water. 

That's it! 


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